A comfortable room with kingly feel.
Golden eagle is a 48 sq.m. room located on the second floor, with twin beds that can be joined to form a comfortable double bed. The bunch of grapes decoration, created using recycled doilies, represents traditional quality that has been able to move forward and innovate, just like the wine the room takes its name from.
A room with attitude.
Golden tree is a 33 sq.m. room located on the second floor, with twin beds that can be joined to form a comfortable double bed. The bunch of grapes decoration, created using recycled doilies, represents traditional quality that has been able to move forward and innovate, just like the wine the room takes its name from.
A comfortable room with kingly feel.
Golden tree is a 30 sq.m. room located on the second floor, with twin beds that can be joined to form a comfortable double bed. The bunch of grapes decoration, created using recycled doilies, represents traditional quality that has been able to move forward and innovate, just like the wine the room takes its name from.
In the heart of Sweden.
At vero Callipho et post eum Diodorus, cum is alter voluptatem adamavisset, alter vacuitatem doloris, neuter honestate carere potuit, quae est a nostris laudata maxime. Et hanc quidem primam exigam a te operam, ut audias me quae a te dicta sunt refellentem.